Smart Clothing to Sense Movement Wirelessly
“Passive and Wireless All-Textile Wearable Sensor System” featured in Advanced Science journal.
In their article, Valeria, Sunil, Carlo, Tyler, Chakaveh, and Brett present a full textile wearables sensor system based on a capacitive strain sensor in a resonant circuit made of conductive threads and fabrics. When the user moves, the sensor stretches and the resonance frequency of the circuit changes. A custom-built compact reader circuit captures this change in real time and transmits the data to a smartphone, where the signal is visible in a dedicated app. Common daily activities like walking or climbing stairs can be detected by this unobtrusive smart clothing.
Read the full article by clicking on this link: external page Passive and Wireless All-Textile Wearable Sensor System
About the journal: external page Advanced Science is an interdisciplinary premium open access journal covering fundamental and applied research in materials science, physics and chemistry, medical and life sciences, as well as engineering. Advanced Science publishes cutting-edge research, selected through a strict and fair reviewing process, and presented using highest quality production standards to create a premium open access journal. Top science enjoying maximum accessibility is the aim of this vibrant and innovative research publication platform.